Access Our Portfolios
At Rutherford Asset Management a major focus of our business is to support independent investment advice and independent financial advisers.
Rutherford Asset Management model portfolios are available on all major South African platforms
Portfolio Fact Sheets
Available on the Ninety One, Glacier, Allan Gray, Momentum Wealth, AIMS, Stanlib, INN8 & Old Mutual platforms
Available on the Discovery Platform
Available on the Momentum Wealth, Stanlib & INN8 platforms
Employee Benefits
Available on the Robson Savage Platform
Hedge Funds
Available on the Ninety One, Glacier & Momentum Wealth Platforms
Rutherford Market Perspective
The Rutherford Market Perspective is a snapshot of the local and global factors which could have a bearing on our clients' investment portfolios. It is compiled from information sourced from many local and international investment and research houses, with our House Outlook reflecting in our portfolios.
Rutherford Risk Profiler
In recent years risk profiling has become much more holistic and plays a crucial role in achieving optimal investment outcomes for clients. It quantifies 3 distinct aspects of risk: risk tolerance, the financial capacity to take a risk and the risk required to meet financial goals, and makes the additional provision of including a time horizon. Download the Rutherford Risk Profiler and check your risk profile for yourself.